About a year ago, I published an op/ed detailing a rise in antisemitism. Here we stand a year later, with it becoming much more ominous. I felt the need to elaborate on my last piece as I feel the hate held in this world...is far too firm.
My advocacy, with Bullyish is always to spread love, but, first and foremost to EDUCATE! I believe there is a lack of education within the very threads of antisemitic behavior. Though you cannot teach those who wish to hate, I do intend to share my own experience with antisemitic hate directed towards me, and hopefully widen the eyes of those out there.
(4) A recent survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League indicates that 63 percent of American Jews have directly experienced or witnessed anti-Semitic hate incidents within the past five years. - Congress

My family
I was born of strong women, and, strong families. Those who refused to turn German, in France, and those who fled Russia from the Tsar. They faced religious persecution. These stories continue to be shared within my family, because the most important thing to all Jews, is retaining the tribe's strength, and never forgetting the past horrors.
These are simple concepts, but the power they hold, is, massive. Passed down in every Jewish family is to NEVER forget the horrors of the past. They can happen again.

My goal is for this short piece to stand as an education about what is happening around us. The reality.

The hatred towards a race, a civilization, or a culture is something I cannot comprehend. While I understand the need to continue educating, and advocating against this type of behavior, I remain concerned about its consequences. I remain troubled by the fact people could hate so much.
The digital world

The digital world is peculiar to me in terms of my experiences. In broad "daylight" antisemitism, almost as though it was accepted, in the example above. Many antisemitic people are harbored on the internet due to the internet's desensitization of things. Those who wish to hate found a place.
"Social media platforms, unwittingly or not, have facilitated" antisemitism, Miller writes, "and are, therefore, implicated in the violence that emanates from it." (source)
It's time for people to become awakened to the fact this is out there.
Antisemitism is rising.
We must continue educating, showcasing what is going on, and of course, advocating against such misled behavior.
Never AGAIN.
Originally published on: https://www.projectbullyish.com/
Lillee Jean