Lillee Jean, a native of New York City, showcases her immense and diverse talent in an original improv scene inspired by the TV series Gossip Girl. In the scene, Lillee Jean brings Blair's character to life, portraying her usual overdramatic self with great comedic flair and characterization skills. The improv skit is by Lillee Jean, inspired by a scene in Gossip Girl. This month, Lillee Jean has started her voice-over training with the talented Hollywood actor Michel Corbiere, and improv training with actor Edgardo Rubio.
About Lillee Jean:
Lillee Jean is an actress from New York City. She has trained at the T. Schreiber Studio, intensively studying Meisner Technique and dialects. Her latest productions include two short films she directed, produced, and wrote including 'Miss Roxie' (2023), and 'Peony and Violet'. As part of her recent show, 'So Lillo Qui' she released episode 17, Café Goodbye, set in London. She has auditioned in New York City for Film and TV roles this Autumn and continues to train diligently.
Watch Episode 17 of So Lillo Qui by Lillee Jean
Original story by Lillee Jean Trueman. We are taken directly to the scene where the main character, Elizabeth, experiences an emotional breakup.
Watch Episode 21 So Lillo Qui by Lillee Jean:
Lillee Jean's character is Nellie, from the Babylon film with Margot Robbie.
So Lillo Qui - Season 1, Episode 22 (2023)
Producer: Lillee Jean Trueman
Director: Lillee Jean Trueman
Writer: Lillee Jean Trueman (OF IMPROV)
Lillee Jean (Blair)
Inspired by the Gossip Girl TV Show.
Blair Character by Cecily von Ziegesar.
Recent Productions:
Lillee Jean TALKS! LIVE:
So Lillo Qui Episodes: