A recent interview with actress Lillee Jean reveals how she uses the Meisner Technique for her performances, and what she's planning for the future! With the SAG-AFTRA strike resolved, Jean exclaimed on Instagram last night "Woman power!" It is clear that the future of this talented young actress is bright, and she is poised to make a big splash in Hollywood. Check out her interview with Social Impact Heroes (originally published in Authority Magazine) here.
About Lillee Jean:
Lillee Jean is an actress from New York City. She has trained at the T. Schreiber Studio, intensively studying Meisner Technique and dialects. Her latest productions include two short films she directed, produced, and wrote including 'Miss Roxie' (2023), and 'Peony and Violet'. As part of her recent show, 'So Lillo Qui' she released episode 17, Café Goodbye, set in London.

Recent Films:
Recent Shows:
Lillee Jean TALKS! Live: https://www.lilleejean.com/lj-talks-live
So Lillo Qui Episodes: https://www.lilleejean.com/so-lillo-qui
Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilleejean
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/REALlilleejean/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/LilleeJean/
Tumblr: https://lilleejean.tumblr.com/
Representation Manager (NYC): Laura Trueman: Hello@LilleeJean.com
©2023 Lillee Jean. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.