Lillee Jean Trueman is an award-winning actress from New York City. In March, she received several awards and nominations for her upcoming film 'Trapper Trap: The Rise of Princess Glamourite' and her short film 'Miss Roxie' (2023).
'Miss Roxie' won the Best Women's Film award, while 'Trapper Trap: The Rise of Princess Glamourite' was a finalist in the Best Trailer category at FilmNest International Film Festival. Both films are currently available for screening on FilmNest's website . The film most recently won an award at the Stingray International Film Festival for Best Trailer, and screened in Paris, France!
Award Winner/Best Trailer - The Trapper Trap (2024) - Stingray International Film Festival (2024)
Award Winner/Best Trailer - The Trapper Trap (2024) - Critics' Choice International Film Festival (2024)
Finalist/Best Trailer - The Trapper Trap (2024) - FilmNest International Film Festival (2024)
Award Winner/Best Women's Film - Miss Roxie Film (2023) - FilmNest International Film Festival (2024)
Recent Films:
The Trapper Trap - Part 1:
Recent Shows: