Lillee Jean TALKS! live, welcomed on special guest Armand Peri, founder of New York City's popular nightclub, Hunk-O-Mania. Armand is a heavy-weight bodybuilding 1993 champion, as well as, an entrepreneur, and, author of the book "Unparalleled Success". LJ and Armand discussed his recent endeavors of motivational speaking, and the message of never giving up, as well as making your own destiny. He in-depth discusses business strategy, how to build your own self-esteem, and how he himself became the empire builder he is today.

Lillee Jean (self)
Armand Peri (self)
Producer: Lillee Jean Beauty Inc. (Lillee Jean)
Director: Lillee Jean
Writer: Lillee Jean
©2022 Lillee Jean. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright protection is automatically granted as soon as the original content is created. I explicitly declare my rights, and deter others from using my content in works of stealing, editing, chopping, and/or repurposing. No fair use is given presumptuously. The copyright laws of the United States of America, and other countries protect this short motion picture. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, or use of all or part of this motion picture may result in civil liability, and/or criminal prosecution in accordance with applicable laws.